Blog by krista

So you’ve decided you want to build a new farmhouse on your property. First you need to decide if the “Builder’s special” is the type of home you want or do you want something truly special. Check out this blog to help you decide if a custom home is right for you. Most of you probably want to know ...
30.01.13 02:45 PM - Comment(s)
BEFORE BEFORE I'm sure you've heard it before from a farmer, If I retire I'll die.  Those farmers just don't know how to take a day off, let alone retire. Not to mention that most farmers don't want to move to town. So what options are left? move in with you on the home farm?!? If you're looking for ...
28.01.13 10:35 PM - Comment(s)
Vijlskovgaard Farm Does this look like the future of farming? That was the name and goal of the architectural competition in Denmark that linked 6 farmers with design teams to create beautiful architecture for their farms. I don't think it looks too far into the future, in fact I was amazed at how simple and common t...
28.01.13 07:52 PM - Comment(s)
BEFORE BEFORE As many of you probably don't notice anymore smoking in bars, entrances, and other places has mostly disappeared. All you have to do is go to Europe and you appreciate the smoke free environments we enjoy in Canada. However, this industry shift took a very hard toll on Tobacco farmers in Ont...
25.01.13 06:20 PM - Comment(s)
Don't worry I am not from Toronto, I don't pretend to be able to magically solve all your problems, but I understand your problems and hope to help you through any process related to your agritourism project. I recently attended a talk by Becky McKray about small town rural businesses. She said that...
25.01.13 05:33 PM - Comment(s)
