Blog tagged as permit drawings

I bet you didn't even know there was a difference?

Building Code Requirements

Permit drawings contain information that the building inspector at your municipality wants to see, to prove the building conforms to the Ontario Building Code. Things the building department cares about are washroom sizes (e...

07.06.22 03:33 PM - Comment(s)

This is a question I get asked a lot. Of course I do permit drawings; its a necessary part of the design/building process, but as an architect I can do so much more for your project!

A lot of decisions need to be made before arriving at a set of permit drawings, even if you come to me with a sketch...

28.01.19 11:45 AM - Comment(s)
This is a question I get asked a lot, but sometimes permit drawings are not what a client really needs. Of course I do permit drawings; it's a necessary part of the design/building process, but there is two things you should know. 1. there are thousands of decisions required to be made before a perm...
30.01.14 05:35 PM - Comment(s)
