Blog tagged as barn renovation

The verdict issued by the Ontario Fire Commission on Tuesday is a complex issue and an important debate for agritourism in Ontario. It highlights the difficulties and often the rigidity of policy that townships must uphold, and the lack of discourse between residents who are the heart and soul of a ...
23.10.13 10:26 PM - Comment(s)
BEFORE BEFORE As many of you probably don't notice anymore, smoking in bars, entrances, and other places has mostly disappeared from Ontario. All you have to do is go to Europe and you will appreciate the smoke-free environments we enjoy in Canada. However, this industry shift took a very hard toll on Tob...
27.03.13 02:45 PM - Comment(s)
BEFORE BEFORE As many of you probably don't notice anymore smoking in bars, entrances, and other places has mostly disappeared. All you have to do is go to Europe and you appreciate the smoke free environments we enjoy in Canada. However, this industry shift took a very hard toll on Tobacco farmers in Ont...
25.01.13 06:20 PM - Comment(s)

This week my region hosted the International Plowing Match in Roseville, a small rural intersection town I often cycle through during the summer. This year the Mennonite Disaster Relief organization hosted a barn raising demonstration for which I volunteered for many months ago. As the day drew ne...

24.09.12 03:00 PM - Comment(s)
