Blog tagged as rural revitalization

I started this series many years ago, and some new ideas have come to light so I am going to revive this series. Rural Revitalization is a series designed to think big! Think big about the opportunities living on a country property in rural Ontario can offer and what you can offer to the community a...

18.09.20 11:20 AM - Comment(s)
BEFORE BEFORE I'm sure you've heard it before from a farmer, If I retire I'll die.  Those farmers just don't know how to take a day off, let alone retire. Not to mention that most farmers don't want to move to town. So what options are left? move in with you on the home farm?!? If you're looking for ...
14.05.13 02:45 PM - Comment(s)
BEFORE BEFORE I'm sure you've heard it before from a farmer, If I retire I'll die.  Those farmers just don't know how to take a day off, let alone retire. Not to mention that most farmers don't want to move to town. So what options are left? move in with you on the home farm?!? If you're looking for ...
28.01.13 10:35 PM - Comment(s)
