Blog tagged as Passive House

In this video, I show you practically how the triple pane windows are performing in my "pretty good house" (near passive). Using simple visual (but perhaps not completely accurate) tools, I can not only tell you numbers but show you some of the differences.

01.12.23 04:53 PM - Comment(s)

What are the details and considerations that make a passive house or high-performance house different than a typical building?

In our previous article, What is the Passive House building standard, we introduce you to the program and outline how it differs from building codes and other programs. In th...

01.11.23 04:30 PM - Comment(s)

Most people associate passive house, high performance, and net zero with energy goals for your building. But Passive House buildings are so much more! By following the building standard, you can create a higher quality space that focuses on occupant well-being and comfort and many more non-quantifia...

01.11.23 03:43 PM - Comment(s)

And what is the difference between passive house, net zero, and building codes?

What is a passive house all about? is a question we hear often.

In this article, we explain the programs and standards (like Passive House, LEED, Net Zero, Energy Star, etc.) that are out there for high-performance buildin...

01.11.23 03:13 PM - Comment(s)

In light of this cold snap, I thought I'd tell you a little about insulation and how to design and keep your house warm without breaking the bank!

roxul insulation in the stud space and cathedral ceiling

Most people know that r-value is how to measure the quantity of insulation in your walls and th...

22.01.19 11:45 AM - Comment(s)
