I am not from Toronto and I understand your problems!

25.01.13 05:33 PM By krista
Don't worry I am not from Toronto, I don't pretend to be able to magically solve all your problems, but I understand your problems and hope to help you through any process related to your agritourism project. I recently attended a talk by Becky McKray about small town rural businesses. She said that I neede to be proud of my small town business and embrace being local. Now I may not be within a 15 minute drive to all of you who read my blog, but that depends on your definition of local. If understanding rural culture (different from urban life) is local, I've got it! When I come to your farm for your first free consultation, I am not going to plug my nose and say "what smells?". I am not going to ask you if "you milk your cows by hand?". I am going to wear proper footwear (rubber boots) not my nice leather stilettos! I get you, different from any other architect. In my class of 70 students at the school of architecture 3 were from farms. That's 4%. Of those three, only 2 had any interest in farm communities, and I was one of them. I even decided to make a career out of it! I am not from Toronto, but I am here to solve all your problems!
