Blog by krista

I might be unpopular for this post but it probably needs to be said.  I will preface this post by saying, I grew up on a farm (dairy and chicken) and I understand the idea of industrial farming as well as any other farmer. With the whole pig scandal perhaps farmers do need to look at their prac...
12.01.13 05:25 PM - Comment(s)
I bet you can't guess that this is a modern addition to this house? It's all in the details So you’ve decided to preserve a bit of rural history and renovate your brick farmhouse. Here are a few items that you should know. Yes, generally renovations cost more (approximately 5%). But the results are...
09.01.13 02:55 PM - Comment(s)
farmhouse My Dad, was born, raised, had his own kids, and will probably die in the same old red brick farmhouse. As you can imagine it needs some updating! My mother, like most farm wives has great visions of what the house should look like, but it is usually a lifelong project to update the house from the i...
03.01.13 02:55 PM - Comment(s)
Good luck with all your 2013 projects! Check out my guest post at Rural Futures Lab talking about my story and my visions for a healthy rural culture! RUPRI_logo The RUPRI Rural Futures Lab aims to create a new future-oriented narrative for rural America. They focus on the economic drivers that will m...
31.12.12 02:45 PM - Comment(s)
Zoning is a great mystery to many people. Zoning is  document set out by the provincial government which each municipality adapts to suit their needs. A zoning by-law outlines the rules of what kind of activities can occur on various properties. It helps to control growth and city organization....
29.12.12 10:35 PM - Comment(s)
