Blog by krista

The verdict issued by the Ontario Fire Commission on Tuesday is a complex issue and an important debate for agritourism in Ontario. It highlights the difficulties and often the rigidity of policy that townships must uphold, and the lack of discourse between residents who are the heart and soul of a ...
23.10.13 10:26 PM - Comment(s)
Vijlskovgaard Farm Does this look like the future of farming? That was the name and goal of the architectural competition in Denmark that linked 6 farmers with design teams to create beautiful architecture for their farms. I don't think it looks too far into the future, in fact I was amazed at how simple and common t...
07.06.13 02:45 PM - Comment(s)
I recently attended a conference for Tourism Middlesex, where some visioning activities occurred as to what makes their County unique. Why would people what to visit. In speaking with many of the participants and business Owners there, they all have great components but there was no common thread th...
07.06.13 02:01 PM - Comment(s)
Its that time of year again...and I don't mean planting season (although it is). I mean roadkill season.  As a cyclist your speed along the road really makes you appreciate the smaller animals in life and the life they live when right beside a road. Every year around this time my husband and I ...
07.06.13 01:44 PM - Comment(s)
BEFORE BEFORE I'm sure you've heard it before from a farmer, If I retire I'll die.  Those farmers just don't know how to take a day off, let alone retire. Not to mention that most farmers don't want to move to town. So what options are left? move in with you on the home farm?!? If you're looking for ...
14.05.13 02:45 PM - Comment(s)
