Blog by krista

20140328-113322.jpg photo credit: Lasting Impressions For those who don't know I now have a little baby girl to look after alongside my clients! She is a bundle of joy and cuteness! And she makes a pretty good helper!

We also finally got our new mailbox sign up. It's been a year in the works since we moved to our new ...

25.04.14 02:45 PM - Comment(s)
If you've ever kept a pile of manure overwinter, you know that it rarely freezes solid.The decomposing pile will generate enough heat to keep the pile from freezing. Your large scale compost pile can generate heat up to 60-70°C (less if you properly stir it). For those of you who have a compost pil...
15.03.14 03:05 PM - Comment(s)
This is a question I get asked a lot, but sometimes permit drawings are not what a client really needs. Of course I do permit drawings; it's a necessary part of the design/building process, but there is two things you should know. 1. there are thousands of decisions required to be made before a perm...
30.01.14 05:35 PM - Comment(s)
