Rural Revitalisation Idea #2 - Eco corridor

07.06.13 01:44 PM By krista
Its that time of year again...and I don't mean planting season (although it is). I mean roadkill season.  As a cyclist your speed along the road really makes you appreciate the smaller animals in life and the life they live when right beside a road. Every year around this time my husband and I dodge turtle shell remnants, and frog's legs all over the road. I know you're probably thinking there are too many in the world, but we see A LOT! There is something very unfortunate about a crushed turtle shell. It is designed to be a shelter for this creature and it failed them against the unnatural predator: the car. Just yesterday heading home just outside of Cambridge there is a low lying marsh land  and I went by more than crushed turtle shells. You might know the one, on Roseville Road.  So that is the subject of this next Rural Revitatlization Idea #2. WARNING Contents may be graphic! There have been many competitions to create wildlife corridors over major highways, so why can't we explore this right here. As more and more subdivisions pop up just outside town on Roseville Road, it is going to get busier and busier and more and more turtle, frogs, Canada geese, and blue herons are going to be at risk. This wetland is actually a protected environmental area, but if we don't protect the animals living there it won't be much of an ecosystem. Wildlife overpass Wildlife overpass So I propose that to improve the rural landscape in this area we explore a wildlife corridor across the road. This gesture could become a great park to the new neighbourhoods moving into the area. It would allow safe crossing not only animals, but small children as this road gets busier. It could create a great vista point to view the landscape as it is already a natural high point. It would also save me from gaging everytime I cycle that route! Part of the Rural Revitalization Ideas Series, exploring rural revitalization projects.  Feel free to contact me, VELD architect if your interested in pursuing one of these crazy ideas!
