Do you do Permit Drawings?

28.01.19 11:45 AM By krista

This is a question I get asked a lot. Of course I do permit drawings; its a necessary part of the design/building process, but as an architect I can do so much more for your project!

A lot of decisions need to be made before arriving at a set of permit drawings, even if you come to me with a sketch or drawing of "exactly" what you want. There are decisions you probably know about like colours, and finishes. There are things you know you don't know, like insulation or heating systems. But there are probably also things you don't know you don't know!

It not as easy as just drawing up a set of plans. For every line that gets drawn a decision needs to be made; how big should this room be, what should the walls be made out of, what are the cost implications of this finish type, what does the building code require, how does this affect a users experience,what size of floor joist to use, post & beam or stud construction, how does this material connect to the next, where is the ductwork going to go, etc. You get the picture. And everything is connected to each other, you want to put stone on the wall, we need to supply plywood backing and perhaps a bigger stud. Many people can get overwhelmed by this as they just wanted permit drawings, but that's why you hired the architect; to help inform you to make the decisions that are the right solution for you.

This is why an architect’s role is a lot larger than most people realize. When an architect manages your project, they ensure that every part of the process below (and more) is handled to ensure that the biggest investment in your life or career is safe and secure.

  • Checking the title and, in particular, any easements and land covenants that may restrict what or where you can build,
  • Ensuring Compliance with building and safety regulations, local planning regulations and restrictions. Depending on the project, there may be laws surrounding the preservation of the local environment or any historic parts of a building.
  • Leadership - heading up the team of professionals who will work on this stage of the project including builders, tradespeople, engineers, designers and financial professionals.
  • Facilitation - asking you, the client, the right questions to lead you through the design to get exactly what you want. Helping you make tough choices to meet your budget and time constraints. This one is my favorite, because I am here to help you with YOUR project!
  • Construction documentation - translate the design into instructions and technical specifications for contractors and construction experts. Ensures those specifications are met.
  • Project Management - site visits and meetings, overseeing the construction and validating quality of work, negotiation with contractors and dealing with resolving any problems that arise.
  • on occasion we might even chip in some construction labour or fabrication for those really special projects!

In Summary, the architect is the conductor of the project orchestra. Make sure the architect you are speaking with can help you in all areas to ensure a successful project!

And of course, I do do permit drawings!

P.S. I would recommend reading the post about The Difference between Permit and Construction Drawings and which you need for your project. It may make the difference between a smooth and successful project, or one that tears your hair out!
