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The “whole foods” shopper feels that by buying organic he is “engaging in authentic experiences” and imaginatively enacting a “return to the utopian past with the positive aspects of modernity intact”.-Michael Pollan, Author. Excerpts from Omnivores Delemma
25.07.14 02:45 PM - Comment(s)
" for farmers themselves, they have long ago lost control of their destiny. They are no longer ‘independent farmers,’ subscribing to that ancient and perhaps indispensable ideal, but are the agents of their creditors and the market. They are ‘units of production’ who, or whi...
18.07.14 02:45 PM - Comment(s)
"The character of the farm should be carried out as to express itself in everything which it contains. His structures of every kind should be plain, also, yet substantial, where substance is required. All these detract nothing from his respectability or his influence in the neighborhood, the to...
11.07.14 02:45 PM - Comment(s)
"The family farm is highly idealized in North America for upholding three valued traditions: the tradition of man-land relationships, the tradition of democracy, and the tradition of efficiency in making the most of one’s resources. The decline of the family-sized farm is viewed by many people,...
04.07.14 02:45 PM - Comment(s)
"The technological development, especially in agriculture, as well as increased contact with industrial cities, movement of people from rural communities to urban centers, and spread of urban beliefs and values due to the improved means of transportation and communication have radically tr...
27.06.14 02:45 PM - Comment(s)
