Blog tagged as farm culture

"the science of agriculture, which is the only profession in the world which encompass all sciences and all the laws of the universe, but the realm of human philosophy as well"  - Louis Bromfield, Author. From My Experiences: the Pleasures and Miseries of Life on a Farm.
06.06.14 02:45 PM - Comment(s)
Surplus Farmhouse Most farmers have encountered the restrictions in farm severances that have been enforced over the past years.  This planning policy requires that farms must be a minimum of 100 acres (40 hectares). And the result is that farmers have been unable to sever surplus houses from farms they pu...
04.06.14 02:45 PM - Comment(s)
The design, like a farmer, is one "whose sense of beauty and poetry is born of the Earth" - Louis Bromfield, Author. From my Experience: the Pleasures and Miseries of Life on a Farm
30.05.14 02:45 PM - Comment(s)
I dug my thesis out today to remind myself of all the work, research, and knowledge that went into that book!  It's 1inch thick, 235 double sided pages, 3 professor advisers, 18 years of farm life, 1 years worth of work! For those who are curious, you can download it here. Agritecture: Woven...
23.05.14 02:45 PM - Comment(s)
The world is becoming very multi-cultural and globally connected. The scale of communities is drastically changing. How can rural maintain a distinct culture and connected community.  If we look back at the farming community it has traditionally be centered around a few key pieces of infrastr...
22.02.12 03:00 PM - Comment(s)
