Blog tagged as architecture

I recently had a great time on the NAFDMA (North American Farmers' Direct Marketing Association) Agritourism Farm Tour in Michigan. It was filled with fun, food, and great company. I hope to attend again in the future and I would love to see you there. For those who missed it, I'd like to share some...

04.07.24 11:16 AM - Comment(s)

How to Start Your Kennel Project – Authorities Review

barn and wide field

Unleashed on 42

You love dogs, and you know there is a need in your community for dog boarding, but you don’t know where to start. In this blog, I will go over both design principles and the authorities/permits needed to get started. Starting any ...

04.06.24 11:29 AM - Comment(s)

Why is your farm stay a mini resort?!

You’ve probably never thought about your farm stay as a resort, but to many people, it is. So, it's essential to treat it that way, and there are a few criteria you should consider when you plan it.

Tourism spending around the world is shifting from spending...

16.01.24 05:12 PM - Comment(s)

In this video, I show you practically how the triple pane windows are performing in my "pretty good house" (near passive). Using simple visual (but perhaps not completely accurate) tools, I can not only tell you numbers but show you some of the differences.

01.12.23 04:53 PM - Comment(s)

What is Site Plan Control, and how to navigate your agritourism project through it smoothly?

farm winery with restaurant master plan

Master planning an on-farm winery with a restaurant. Co-credit South2010 architects.

You may have heard your municipality mention Site Plan Approval when you go to them with a building permit or agritourism re...

09.11.23 07:54 PM - Comment(s)
