Blog tagged as Rural culture

"Ontario's 19th century vernacular  is beyond recovery, however much it is craved. Awareness cannot be un-invented in an informed, interactive society."-Michael J. Troughton. Vernacular Architecture in Ontario; Industrial Vernacular 
24.10.14 12:00 PM - Comment(s)
The basic problem associated with a monoculture farm is that it is not a closed system. By closing the loop and creating a farm which operates like an ecosystem, we can re-establish the nutrient cycle and rehabilitate our resources. In order to do this we must produce the feed on the same farm as th...
10.10.14 12:00 PM - Comment(s)
"A good farmer is a craftsperson of the highest order, a kind of artist. It is the good work of good farmers - nothing else - that assures a sufficiency of food over the long term."-Wendel Berry, Farmer & Author. Gift of Good Land
26.09.14 12:00 PM - Comment(s)
"Farming keeps man honest, vigorous, and independent"-James S. Ackerman, Architect. Vila:Form & Ideology of Country Houses
15.08.14 12:00 PM - Comment(s)
" Soil fertility must be the basis of any permanent system of agriculture"- Sir Albert Howard, Farmer & Author. Agricultural Testament
01.08.14 12:00 PM - Comment(s)
