Blog by krista

The world is becoming very multi-cultural and globally connected. The scale of communities is drastically changing. How can rural maintain a distinct culture and connected community.  If we look back at the farming community it has traditionally be centered around a few key pieces of infrastr...
22.02.12 03:00 PM - Comment(s)
The following infographic describes the average size of farm in Canada, taken from stats Canada.
copyright, VELD architect 2008
10.02.12 03:00 PM - Comment(s)
In November, I attended a discussion on Sustainable Food Systems the Arts and Cookery Bank(a great venue and enterprise) in West Lorne. Hosted by Roxana Roshon and Tom Schell and the London Training Centre working on an amazing research project on Food Systems. They are taking an cross-system (...
06.02.12 03:00 PM - Comment(s)
When the helicopter photographers come knocking at your door each year asking if you would like a photo taken of your farmstead from the air. Do you shudder at the mess and disorganization of the yard, or are you proud to see the life you have built. If your like most farmers, its a combination of b...
30.01.12 07:50 AM - Comment(s)
I met a wonderful lady this week in a pursuit to win an equestrian design project. She is from Albany, New York and she had a great saying about suburban development. as we drove though many suburbs along Highway 410 she stated "look as all the house seeds growing." and I might add... 't...
23.01.12 06:18 PM - Comment(s)
