Blog by krista

"Eating locally isn’t just a fad – it may be one of the most important ways we save ourselves and the planet!” -Dr. David Suzuki
21.11.14 12:00 PM - Comment(s)
Verse18 "...the countryside conjures nostalgic rather than real interpretations." "Perhaps more than any other landscape, the tended fields of the countryside symbolizes our most revered meld of man, nature, and time." -Sally Schauman.
07.11.14 12:00 PM - Comment(s)
"Ontario's 19th century vernacular  is beyond recovery, however much it is craved. Awareness cannot be un-invented in an informed, interactive society."-Michael J. Troughton. Vernacular Architecture in Ontario; Industrial Vernacular 
24.10.14 12:00 PM - Comment(s)
The basic problem associated with a monoculture farm is that it is not a closed system. By closing the loop and creating a farm which operates like an ecosystem, we can re-establish the nutrient cycle and rehabilitate our resources. In order to do this we must produce the feed on the same farm as th...
10.10.14 12:00 PM - Comment(s)
