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Most people associate passive house, high performance, and net zero with energy goals for your building. But Passive House buildings are so much more! By following the building standard, you can create a higher quality space that focuses on occupant well-being and comfort and many more non-quantifia...

01.11.23 03:43 PM - Comment(s)

And what is the difference between passive house, net zero, and building codes?

What is a passive house all about? is a question we hear often.

In this article, we explain the programs and standards (like Passive House, LEED, Net Zero, Energy Star, etc.) that are out there for high-performance buildin...

01.11.23 03:13 PM - Comment(s)

Discover the essential components of a barn frame in our insightful blog. Explore beams, braces, and rafters. Step away with a deeper understanding of barn construction and the most common barn frame styles found in Ontario.


Click play on the video and see a walk through the bar...

14.08.23 06:42 PM - Comment(s)

What is the difference between hiring a Contractor and an architect. I mean the contractor can give you a “design” and build-it too! Both Contractors and Architects have different strengths and training and together they can make a great team, if both recognise their strengths and weaknesses and wor...

07.06.22 03:34 PM - Comment(s)

I bet you didn't even know there was a difference?

Building Code Requirements

Permit drawings contain information that the building inspector at your municipality wants to see, to prove the building conforms to the Ontario Building Code. Things the building department cares about are washroom sizes (e...

07.06.22 03:33 PM - Comment(s)
