Blog categorized as Agritourism

What is Site Plan Control, and how to navigate your agritourism project through it smoothly?

farm winery with restaurant master plan

Master planning an on-farm winery with a restaurant. Co-credit South2010 architects.

You may have heard your municipality mention Site Plan Approval when you go to them with a building permit or agritourism re...

09.11.23 07:54 PM - Comment(s)

What are the OMAFRA guidelines for On-farm Diversified uses?

The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) created the "Guidelines on Permitted Uses in Ontario's Prime Agricultural Areas" to assist municipalities in what OMAFRA feels protects “prime farmland” while pr...

09.11.23 03:36 PM - Comment(s)
Flagship Farm store Concept
Flagship Farm store Concept

Did you know your farm store is like the flagship store of 5th Avenue in New York?! A flagship store's purpose is to convey a brand and provide a shopping experience relating to that brand. That is precisely what you are doing at your farm. You are trying to tie an exper...

13.10.23 01:57 PM - Comment(s)

In the last blog, we talked about brand and experience, something you are probably doing very well on your farm already! So, what are the practicalities of retail space design for your farm?

Customer Flow

farm store floor plan with customer traffic flows diagram
farm store floor plan with customer traffic flow study

It starts at the laneway. Ensure they kno...

22.09.23 08:48 PM - Comment(s)

So, we convinced you to keep your barn!

Now, what are you going to use it for? Here are some ideas to give your old barn a new life. We hope these suggestions ignite your creativity for repurposing your old barn into something unique!

Barn Restoration for Agriculture Uses:

There is nothing wrong with ...

29.08.23 04:52 PM - Comment(s)
