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Plan your agritourism project like a pro!

Are you expanding your bsiness to agritourism but overwhelmed with where to start?

This agritourism planning workbook will give you 12 steps to reviewto help you start planning your agritourism project!

Get started today!

Your download include a free 30-minute project scouting call with our team to answer any more questions you might have!

When you start an on-farm diversified project, there are more questions than answers! You also don’t know what you don’t know. There are a lot of factors to consider. It can be overwhelming and time consuming to research so many aspects.

We love agritourism. Agritourism is a wonderful and rewarding business venture and a way to share your farm life with people. 

That's why we created this workbook!

We want to point you in the right direction early! 

(and maybe have more great farms to visit!)

You can spend hours on searching the intenet. You can talk to lots of other farmers who are doing similar (but different) things than you want to. And those are great, but we want to streamline some of those conversations and get you rolling quicker!

This workbook includes:

  • Farm and Business SWOT analysis, discover hidden gems on your farm
  • Your Farm story, your WHY
  • Market research or collaboration
  • Authorities review
  • Design Brief
  • Sustainable goals
  • Who to talk to about all aspects of inviting the public to your farm
  • Building Cost Estimator
  • Who do we know and trust to work with?
  • What value, working with an architect can bring to your project
  • as well as your FREE one-on-one 30-minute consultation with an architect to answer your questions and point you toward the right people and resources


We garantee you will learn at least something new or consider seomthing you had not thought of before. We would refund you, but its free!

Download your Agritourism Workbook now!

Your free booking link will arrive in your email!

Agritourism Project Planning Workbook

What is the Design Process? How do we get to a building permit?

We start with research! 

Just like a solid building is built on good foundations, so is a good project. 

We take the time to set up the project schedule, budget, expectations, goals, and vision to realize sucess.

Then we start designing. 

Starting with concepts, then details and then finally permits.

And we take the time it needs. We want the design to serve you in a year and 15 years! So we make sure we get it right with you as part of our deisgn team!