One-handed drafting

01.10.12 03:00 PM By krista
broken collarbone

I recently broke my collarbone while playing soccer. It was a painful first week full of drugs, now its just inconvenient my arm tied up in a sling. Being one-armed has definitely gotten me out of lots of house chores (I have a wonderful husband who has looked after me and the house), but I haven't been able to slow  down at work with deadlines looming and clients to please. Thank goodness I broke my left collarbone and not my right, so I am able to continue working, although a little slower. Even as I write this post, my slow one finger typing is not keeping up with my thoughts and making me frustrated. When it comes to drafting I have missed my other hand. For anyone that has operated a computer CAD program, you know that by typing with the left and reducing mouse travel across the screen you gain a lot of efficiency. Not only am I increasing my mouse travel, I have also discovered that I am unable to draw a straight line without a second hand; a real problem for an architect! So I had to come up with a creative solution to my problem, 'how to hold the shift key while mouse clicking a straight line?' "my pet rock "ortho"" (for those of you who don't know "ortho" is a term used in CAD to ensure lock drawing  to 90 degree angles. I now have a new skill to add to my résumé and LinkedIn profile; one-handed drafting! Let me know if you have any alternative solutions or how long it takes for a collarbone to get better!!
