Free Guides @ VELD architect

28.05.14 02:45 PM By krista
For those who haven't noticed I've added a few free guides to my website to assist you with your projects.  They are available free to download here.  HireArchitectSampleThe first guide is a Guide to hiring an architect! This guide will give you 10 tips on hiring an architect.
  • What questions to ask,
  • the ins and outs of architecture contracts,
  • what to expect for fees, and
  • the difference between architects, designers, and builders.
We hope you use it to hire us, but we also hope you use this guide to find the best fitting architect for your job, which may not be us! TheProcessSample The second guide is 7 steps to a successful project. I layout what to expect during the process of design when you hire and architect and how they will walk you through all the stages to realizing your dream project.
  • what the goal of each step is,
  • what tasks occur in each step,
  • what to expect from the architect,
  • what are the expectations of you the client, and
  • what the fee and timing of each step.
Starting a project may be one of the biggest investments you make in your life and this guide will tell you how to achieve it with a little bumps in the road as possible. Check it out here!SiteAnalysisToC The third guide is all about your site. It is still in progress but will help you navigate your way through the complex world of planning permissions, other authorities, and environmental site designs. We are also working on a resource list for agritourism guides and toolkits. There are lots out there, so we decided not to write one ourselves.  Each one has different info, so hopefully you can find what you need! Stay tuned... Please request and download these guides. We made them for you. Information is FREE from VELD architect! Please let us know if you have any further questions about any of this content.
