Face of Farming

09.05.13 07:43 PM By krista
I might be unpopular for this post but it probably needs to be said.  I will preface this post by saying, I grew up on a farm (dairy and chicken) and I understand the idea of industrial farming as well as any other farmer. With the whole pig scandal perhaps farmers do need to look at their practices with a more critical eye. The public is more concerned and educated (isn't that what we wanted as farmers) than ever before about where their food comes from. I guess in our educating the public, they didn't come to the same conclusions as the farm community did about what industrial farming should look like.  People want to know where their food comes from, the animals, and the farmer. Are all you farmers willing to open your doors to the public so they can see how their food is made? If you can't say yes without lying to yourself, or perhaps being ashamed, maybe we do need to look at some of our industrial farming practices and ask ourselves is there a better way?
