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Agritourism Authorities Workbook and How-to
navigate the red-tape roundabout
Can't make heads or tails of the authorities, permits, policies, and processes needed to get your building project out of the ground. This workbook is the same template we use in our office to discover and summarize the authorities for our clients! And we are sharing it with you because we want to make it easier for you to understand and feel confident running your own projects!
Can't make heads or tails of the authorities, permits, policies, and processes needed to get your building project out of the ground?!?
This workbook will take you step by step through the authorities regulations using the same process that the team at VELD architect uses! We promise this workbook will:
- explain the different authorities and policies and how to interpret them
- identify any red flags or hurdles you may encounter before engaging with the authorities
- provide a clear understanding of the process you will need to take to get your project approved
- give you tips on how to deal with the regulations and authorities
- help you create a schedule for your project
This workbook is the same template we use in our office to discover and summarize the authorities for our clients! And we are sharing it with you because we want to make it easier for you to understand and feel confident running your own projects!
Krista Hulshof
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